How to design a configuration hierarchy?
Generating the hierarchy between configuration and parent
configurations is like designing an object class tree. Many
books have been written about it, but you surely have not the
time to read them now.
I see it this way: You can choose either a pragmatic or a functional approach.
Pragmatic approach
In the pragmatic approach, you first write down all the
configurations you need with all their parameters. You then
check out whether you can build groups of configurations that
have lots of common parameter values. Those common parameters
will be moved to a parent configuration. The quality goal is:
to have as much common parameters as possible. Don’t care
about the meaning of the configuration-hierarchy.
Functional approach
In the functional approach, you try to identify functional
groups of parameters. Those are the parent configuration. The
quality goal is: the system of parent and parent-parent
configurations should reflect the expected dependencies of
the different software-subsystems you use. Don’t care about
the economic aspect!
For example: Under ORACLE, you have
- lots of parameters depending from the installed version
of the RDBMS (tools and directories),
- lots of parameters for the machine you install your
database on (pathes for various files, data and index
drives, machine name and IP-address, disk and memory
limitations) and
parameters describing the instance to build (SID, service names, init.ora-Parameters).
So at least you can have the three parent configurations
_ORACLE816, MY_SERVER. MY_INSTANCE, which together they build
a THIS_INSTALLATION configuration. And if you have to deal
with many ORACLE-Versions, you put the common settings to an
_ALL_ORACLE and give it as parent to _ORACLE816.
More exactly: if you need the full path of SQLPLUS.EXE, you set
(tool name ok, but path as to be defined yet)
If you later add a ORACLE817 installation, you simple must create a
and replace _ORACLE_816 in the parent configuration list of THIS_INSTALLATION by _ORACLE_817.
Got it? So with just two additional definitions you switched your database generation script from ORACLE 8.1.6. to ORACLE 8.1.7.
If in doubt, use the “sociologic approach”
I have no clear recommendation about the right approach. The
“functional approach” is clearly the better one, especially
for large sets of configurations (and this is SCRIPTOR was
made for), but you will spend a lot of time speculating about
things like “will they change the name of this utility in the
next release? Is the amount of memory for my database a
constant for the whole project, or is it a property of
a specific instance?”
Don’t think too much, you’re wasting your time. It’s like
predicting the Dow Jones for next month!
I think your configuration hierarchy is O.K., if you can
explain it to another person in five minutes (“sociologic